Business News

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Honey Fountain Group in Nigeria - A Powerful Business Group

I must mention about my friends , the Honey Fountain Group in Nigeria. The beginnings of our friendship were solidified as we met in person in 2003 near Salt Lake City, Utah, at our business partners' world noni juice headquarters. Present were Dr. Ayo Olofin, Attorney Adegoke Oshunniyi, Dr. Yomi Okanlawon, Dr. Olu Omotoyinbo, Emmanuel Thompson, Israel, and Nath Coleman. It was a glorious few days of laughter and comradery. We met as strangers and parted as brothers, Nigerian brothers.

Then, again, we were privileged to meet them our business 2004 Las Vegas International Convention. We all stayed at the luxurious Venetian Hotel, paid for by our network marketing company partner. It was again full of high-spirited friendship and smiles. (If you ever run into them, you can ask them about their actual accomodations with Eric Carlos...there's a funny and interesting side to that story). Here, we also were introduced to more Honey Fountain Group leaders - Attorney Oscar Albert and the ever wise Emecheta Ofondu.

The Honey Fountain Group is making a powerful name for themselves in the noni arena in Nigeria. They hold Super Saturday trainings and also utilize the "Honey Party" system. They train leaders to be trainers of leaders. They are big with personal self development. Their goal is create an uprise in a strong and empowered Nigerian middle class using our network marketing business opportunity as a vehicle.

Their phone numbers:

Visit their blogs here:


If you are a Nigerian, and you are serious about generating some serious dollars and royalty income for yourself and your family, for generations to come , then by all means, contact them now.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Emmanuel Nwachukwu in Nigeria. A Legend in the Noni Juice Business, Nigeria

I think this is long overdue: my public sharing of my personal admiration of a great man, businessman and personal friend in Nigeria. His name is Emmanuel Nwachukwu. He is a great leader in the international noni juice business opportunity in Nigeria. He and I connected in 2001, and I am proud to be his personal sponsor into the business. He worked long and hard days, months and years to build the business in Nigeria, which now has grown into the several thousands of distributors in his organization.
Emmanuel Nwachukwu was the first "Diamond Pearl" in Nigeria. In fact, the first Diamond Pearl ELITE in Nigeria. He is on track to be the first Black Pearl distributor in Nigeria ! A great leader indeed. Emmanuel Nwachukwu saw the vision and then ran non-stop with massive zeal to share this business and noni juice product with people all over Nigeria.
Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu, my friend, you are truly to be congratulated, and your accomplishments to be celebrated.


Earning Dollars in Nigeria

If you are a Nigerian and serious about generating an additional stream of income in Nigeria(eg. earning dollars in Nigeria ) , and if you want a “Diamond Pearl Elite”- ranked distributor to show you how to do this with our noni juice business in Nigeria, then you would be wise to contact Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu. His phone number is 08023058232 or 01-7926423 .
* * * * * *
Comment from Google Blogger "Aderaskeey" :


thanks for your visit to my website. I also welcome you to the swelling Noni bloggers world. It is a joy to see leaders of your stature and status believe in noni blogging as aditional avenue of Chapter 2 to ACCESS the hitherto unreached audience.

Emmanuel Nwachukwu is a leader of leaders,and your discovery of him in 2001 has brought a great goodness to NIGERIA. We Love You!


Prison vs Work Debate

Prison Vs Work Debate
Tom Schreiter aka Big Al

Prison Vs. Work Debate.

This is something that was included in one of Big Al's recent issues of the Big Al Recruiting Newsletter... It's definitely something to make you say Hmmmmm...

IN spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell.

AT spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

IN get three meals a day.

AT only get a break for one meal and you have to

pay for it.

IN get time off for good behavior.

AT get rewarded for good behavior with more work.

IN PRISON...a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.

AT must carry around a security card and

unlock and open all the doors yourself.

IN can watch TV and play games.

AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN get your own toilet.

AT have to share.

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.

AT cannot even speak to your family and friends.

IN PRISON...all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required.

AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then

they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

IN spend most of your life looking through bars from

the inside wanting to get out.

AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go

inside bars.

IN PRISON...there are wardens who are often sadistic.

AT WORK...they are called managers.

Until Next Time,

Big Al


About the contributor, Eric Carlos...
After having worked for a major Canadian bank for almost 10 years, Eric was let go, but not before he realized that "WORK" in the corporate world was turning out to be a form of slavery, in a 'corporate PRISON'. He has since since taken up a successful business project as a professional network marketer showing people how to get started in generating serious income . He is an authorized distributor of noni juice in Vancouver. If you know anyone who would enjoy an additional stream of income from the comfort of their own home, let Eric Carlos know!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Job Opportunity in Sales (Direct Sales)

We are looking to hire someone to be a head-hunter aka "a recruiter" for my network marketing (mlm) business.

Here is the job description. For the first four years: talking to two people a day, five days a week. It does not matter if they join our business. It does not matter what they ask, or what their objections are, just respond to the best of your ability and go with the flow, no matter what.

The pay? $100,000 per year.


“We won’t pay you a nickel for the first four years. But if you haven’t missed a day at the end of four years, we will pay you $100,000 a year for the rest of your life, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.”

“If you fail to talk to two people a day, you will be FIRED, and you can’t come to work for us again."

Could you perform on that contract?

About Eric Carlos:
A picture is worth a thousand words:
A full time professional network marketer in the mlm industry, with a noni juice company. He is a distributor for noni juice in Vancouver and throughout the world where the number one noni juice company operates (over 70 countries).

* * *
The above concept was adapted from Richard Brooke at . It nicely illustrates "residual income" and the the type of daily productive activity that is required to generate serious royalties in network marketing, aka multilevel marketing aka mlm .

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Own Your Own Life With A Business Or Let Your Job Own You For Life

So many people these days are complaining about this and about that - and the topic they complain most about not having enough time or the money to enjoy doing the things they like or are passionate about in life. Some others know they are missing something in life, and they are not fully aware yet of what it is. I'm suggesting that they are not even conscious of the slavery that their job has imposed upon them.

It sounds rather blunt that I put it this way; however, I have been there myself. I was a banker for almost 10 years in Vancouver. I was in corporate banking, getting to know fully the intimate financial positions of some top money earners in the real estate development arena in Western Canada. I worked downtown Vancouver, day in and day out, amidst "the suits" - the business men and business women dressed in their business attire, carrying around their briefcases or leather portfolios and pads. When I first worked downtown here, I was rather naive in thinking, "wow, they're so dressed in their expensive suits, and oh, how they hold their posture ...they must be earning the big bucks...".

Corporate zombies. Now, in hindsight, and when I do travel that part of Vancouver, I can and have classified 50% of these suits. I know that they probably are either stuck in the office, or they bring home their work with them. So much so that they have a hard time looking for the time to spend with their family and loved ones. I know that they are feeling so comfortable so secure (falsely secure) in their high -or low-- paying jobs that they feel that there is nothing they can do about it. Some, I know are feeling, that they are not being paid what they are worth...putting in the overtime hours after work or even during the weekends, just as I did before, but not claiming overtime because of their intense loyalty to their job. I call this zombie brown-nosing. I know that a lot of them have been in the situation where they have called in sick and felt guilty about it, even though they were really sick. Some called in sick, feeling guilty because they were not sick but had to call in sick so they can bring their kid to the doctor themselves. Some don't even know that they don't know how much their "job" has taken over their life. I know of one fellow ex-coworker who once remarked he didn't know where all the years had gone, missing his children's growing-up activities, because he was so engrossed in the corporate work world.

Nowadays, when I do travel in that part of the world in Vancouver, I see the lifeless faces. And I somewhat do feel sorry for them because I was once there. I see their perception of world they have been conditioned to accept it as it is, because that is what a good boy or girl must do...get a good education, get a degree or diploma, find a good company to stay with that pays you well with good benefits.

So who's kidding who? The suits here in the corporate world will in all likelihood never even come close to earning enough to own their dream house that they thought they could own if they finished college or university. Why won't they realize their dream lifestyle? Because chances are they will not be able to trade enough time for the amount of dollars that would be required to finally have that dream lifestyle. That's the simple truth. This is backed up the true statistics that 95% of people at the age of 65 will be either dead or dead broke. And only 5% will be wealthy.

So what about the 5%? Do you think these are the workers who have worked the 30 to 40 years for that somebody else? Oh, on the contrary!! These are the people who leveraged their time so that they found enough time to trade for the required dollars they'd need for their dream lifestyle!! In fact, these 5% may have been the employer. These 5% may have owned a business so people could work for them, and/or found a way to make their money for for them.

Now, did you know there's an "occupation" that has made more millionaires than any other occupation? It's network marketing, or in the old colloquial term, "multi-level marketing." In fact, there is a certain company at this date that has created more millionaires than any other company in the network marketing industry. Over 300 of them in just 10 years. There is a company that, at it's 7 year-mark, was the 4th fastest growing company in all of business history, just after Google, Fedex and Intel. You can find out which one by contacting me.

If you want to know more about network marketing, you can click on this link to read an article by Bill Dunigan, another professional network marketer who happens to be in my network marketing organization.

Friday, August 18, 2006

College vs Network Marketing Business

"My friend is going to college for five years to
become a professional. At the end of those five
years, he graduates. Then he will start his
career. He will have $50,000 in debt from
student loans.

"Another friend is building his network marketing for five years. At the end of those five
years, instead of starting a career, he will

Quoted from "Big Al" Tom Schreiter

A full time network marketer.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Why Would Anyone Consider Network Marketing

Extra income, extra income, extra income!
Residual income, residual income, residual income!
That’s it, plain and simple.

This is a question I’m sure most people have asked. With the proliferation of products being thrust upon us from what seems to be a never-ending stream of marketing empires, what would motivate an individual to even consider network marketing? Certainly it’s not the perceived rejection one feels when a potential customer says no. Nor is it the skepticism about reported incomes. Just what could possibly draw someone to pursue the field of network marketing?

The first and most obvious answer is that there are people who are in sales as a career. Those are the ones who enjoy it and are good at the art of selling anything. They will be attracted to sales whenever they are looking for a new position. Most of us are not comfortable trying to sell to others.

The second type is those who have not chosen sales as an ongoing career but are involved in it on a temporary basis while looking for a position in the field of their choice. The fact is, there are numerous sales positions available at all times and when someone needs work, it is the easiest type to find in a reasonably short time.

Then there is a third category. Here you will find those who probably had no intention or interest in selling. These are the individuals who have chosen to become independent distributors. They become affiliated with a large company that provides them with not only product, but also a myriad of support and assistance. The better the parent company the better the support. In spite of some popular belief, these can often be quite lucrative and beneficial for those individuals who decide to pursue such a path. In order to really be successful in this type of system it is necessary to grasp the concept of marketing an idea and system of ongoing income possibilities tied in with a particular product line as opposed to simply selling a product to someone.

This system has become the chosen format for a great many highly successful companies and has actually helped create numerous millionaires over the years. Today all indications are that it is here to stay and will actually continue to grow even larger. Many people still remain skeptical of it and the claims of high incomes, but the fact is that it really does work. These systems are usually quite simple to implement and anyone could do it. However, in order to succeed one needs to be willing to learn, either have or develop a positive attitude, be serious about it as a business, and probably most of all, be willing to teach and help others succeed. It is a learning and growing process.

The challenge for most individuals is getting past the idea of focusing on product sales and realizing that the real profits are centered around teaching. Yes that’s right, teaching. You see, that is the true basis of network marketing, people helping and teaching other people. Once we are able to grasp that concept everything changes. From this point on it becomes possible to actually build a network of ongoing distribution as well as that illusive residual income. That is the real prize!

In today’s world we have all become well aware of the fact that there is no such thing as a good reliable job, and forget about any benefits. We are all familiar with lay offs, downsizing and corporate failures. If we have not ourselves experienced one of these, we certainly know someone who has. That’s what makes the residual income so vital, because it’s not offered anywhere else, unless you are a recording artist, actor, author, etc. Where else can the average person work on something once and continue to be paid for that effort on and on into the future. This is the crown jewel of the income scale, especially in a time when all of the traditional businesses are cutting back on everyone’s benefits. In fact in many cases, just when you reach the point at which your seniority with a firm entitles you to a few extras, that same firm is looking for any excuse to get rid of you; so much for thanks and loyalty for your years of dedicated service.

Many of the companies utilizing this form of distribution, usually known as network marketing or multi level marketing, have selected this format because it is one of the easiest, most economic, and user friendly systems for introducing a product line to the marketplace. In addition it is a way of developing a solid, consistent, and faithful customer base for life. The distributors marketing their products are operating their own businesses and buying for themselves from themselves and at a discount. This is hard for a competitor to penetrate.

Now that these types of marketing operations have been around for a while, we have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Fortunately there have been enough of the good ones to prove the validity of such a system. They have actually produced enough successful results that we can no longer say they are all a scam. Yes, there have been those who were not completely honest and aboveboard. However, they have not stood the test of time or the courts and are no longer around. There have been enough investigations and legal actions taken over the years so that now the cream has risen to the top. People are more sophisticated and savvy now and look a little deeper before jumping into things.

In today’s world where everything has become so much more expensive and everyone is looking for a better way and more income, this form of business venture is quite appealing. Where else can the average person develop a legal business of their own, work from home, with quality products, and step by step guidelines and support for a surprisingly nominal start up fee. Along with this come the normal tax benefits of owning your own business. In addition, you are your own boss, build up you business at your own speed, and decide when to give yourself a raise or time off.

Don’t misunderstand, these are real businesses and must operate as such, but the relaxed atmosphere and the ability to control things has unparalled appeal. If one is willing to work hard and adhere to the normal rules and protocol for operating a legitimate business, there is no reason why one of the many opportunities offered by these systems should not be seriously considered. If on the other hand you are looking for a get rich quick or no work success story than this is not for you. It will only work if you work it. There are no short cuts.

Many distributors today are pre-qualifying potential or prospective new distributors for their organizations. No longer are they willing to work with just anyone. Today they fully realize just what they have their hands on and they know from experience what it will require on their part to train and bring along that newbie. With the amount of money to be generated and made, they are not willing to bring in dead wood. Their time is much too valuable to waste on someone who is not serious and willing to learn. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is small time stuff; far from it. There is way too much money to be made for them to waste their time with someone who doesn’t really want it or isn’t willing to put forth the effort. If an individual simply wants to have the retail profit or develop a few hundred extra dollars each month that’s fine. However, it’s the ones looking for larger incomes and asking for help both verbally and by their actions that will get the real attention and time from those who are already successful.

What it boils down to is that they have already secured their own incomes and many times don’t need to do much else. Most of them by this time, however, have become excited about seeing others achieve their goals and dreams and have discovered that when they stay away from it they actually become bored and miss it. That’s where the new people really benefit. These successful individuals have paved the way and know the ropes inside out. They know what works and what doesn’t. Where else can you get that kind of counseling and guidance free of charge?

This type of business will be a learning experience and can be an enjoyable journey if you accept the idea that there are others doing this who know more than you, and they are willing to teach you and help you succeed. Remember, with most of these systems their continued success depends on them helping you to succeed. That is a difficult concept for most of us to accept. It is not what we are accustomed to. We have become skeptical and suspicious out of the need for self-preservation. What we are more used to experiencing is others not helping us for fear we might replace them or surpass them at the workplace. This type of thinking does not breed good will, honesty, support, relaxation, trust or happiness in the workplace. Is it any wonder that so many people are unhappy in their jobs and wish they didn’t have to go there every day? How many times have you heard someone say, “If only I could start my own business”? How many times have you uttered it to yourself?

If you are one of those who are truly willing to put forth the effort to learn and then develop a solid lasting business operation of your own with residual income, then you should give one of these types of business strategies a serious look. Try the products first and if you like them and the people you will be dealing with, than go for it. In most cases the start up fees are reasonable and you have nothing to loose.

Think of it as a training ground in the beginning and learn everything you can. If the one you first choose turns out not to be for you, don’t think of it as a big mistake. Instead, understand that what you have learned belongs to you. Take that knowledge with you and move on. Remember, I said it would be a learning experience. Most successful business people have tried several different times before finding the right place. You are customizing your future, and there may be several design changes along the way. Welcome these changes and realize each one takes you one step closer to your goal of independence.

If you have taken the time to read all of this than you are probably looking for something yourself. Why wait any longer? Go ahead, do it. All you will be doing is kick starting the rest of your life the way you want it to be. Good luck, and don’t wait any longer.

If you would like to know what my personal choice in this matter has been, please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy to discuss it with you. Remember I said it’s about people helping people. I, like you, have looked for some time and had all the same questions and doubts. You can contact me from the safety of your own home where you are not cornered or trapped in a conversation. I have no intention of trying to convince anyone of anything. You are either seriously looking or your not. I don’t want to waste my time any more than you do yours. It’s just that simple. I have chosen to kick start the rest of my life, what about you?

I am quite serious about this and there is far too much money generating potential to waste either your time or mine. So, as I said, if you are seriously looking, honest, and reliable, you may call me, and yes you will actually get me. I am in the USA Eastern time zone and you may call me toll free at 866-645-1193.

Thanks for your time and attention, Bill.

Most of my adult life I have been self-employed. Like many others I have looked around longer than I care to admit, for something to give me an ongoing income, regardless of my ability to work. Having seen friends with ill health, downsizing, and depression, it was time to take some proactive steps myself in order to avoid having the same negative things in my future. Without needing to give up anything, I have kick started the rest of my life.

Bill Dunigan


Job Search Tip for College Students

Today everyone is looking for that special job that will suit their exact needs. In this day and age we all have circumstances, situations, obligations, etc. that make demands on our time and energy. In most cases students will get a job that will give them enough money to pay for the fuel for their car and a few nights out, assuming they even have a night off.

Why should any student who is studying hard and working hard, and building up a huge debt in the process, spend what little available time they have left slaving away for someone else with minimal payback? The answer is simple. That's the way it has always been. Employers know that they can get cheap labor that can add and subtract, converse if necessary, sell, stock, clean, and on and on for very little pay or benefits. This is because the jobs that pay more and offer more are only available to someone they think will stay with them for a while and not be a transient for just a few months.

However, today there is a way around this dilemma faced by thousands of students everywhere. It really is possible to make the money they need, have time to study, develop a social life, and at the same time build something for their future. That last one is something they can't even begin to think about in their current job situations.

OK, so just what is this super magical answer you ask. Well it's nothing that new or different. It simply isn't usually thought of as an answer for students. However, I believe that it is perfectly suited for the situation. Students who are reliable, honest, and serious are the very ones who are geared up and ready to take the initiative of setting the wheels of their future in motion while taking care of today's needs. They are already multitasking on a daily basis.

Why should they work for pennies for someone else when they could be in business for themselves? Yes, you read it correctly. They could decide when to work, when to have time off, when to give themselves a pay increase. While doing all of this they would also be able to build an income that could be there for them in the future.

Sound impossible? Quite the contrary. Today it is more than possible, it's fact. The truth is they have a choice today that allows them to choose the direction of their life rather than passively letting things happen. They also are savvier in general and ready to take that plunge that could change their present situation. All they need is the right vehicle. I strongly believe that vehicle goes by the name of Network Marketing. There are numerous ones out there and some are better than others. All it takes is a look-see in order to decide if it's the right one.

Thanks for your time and attention, and I hope you are able to find your place, Bill.

Most of my adult life I have been self-employed. I have never come across anything else that would allow an individual to develop a good income with little investment and not have the expenses, stress, boss, time constraints, and worries that go along with most other businesses or jobs. Who needs a job when you can work for yourself? I am quite serious about this and I am always ready, willing, and able to assist anyone who is honest, reliable, serious, and over eighteen, to find their place. If you are interested in knowing more, you may call me 1-301-651-5810. I live in the Eastern US time zone.

Bill Dunigan