Business News

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Emmanuel Nwachukwu in Nigeria. A Legend in the Noni Juice Business, Nigeria

I think this is long overdue: my public sharing of my personal admiration of a great man, businessman and personal friend in Nigeria. His name is Emmanuel Nwachukwu. He is a great leader in the international noni juice business opportunity in Nigeria. He and I connected in 2001, and I am proud to be his personal sponsor into the business. He worked long and hard days, months and years to build the business in Nigeria, which now has grown into the several thousands of distributors in his organization.
Emmanuel Nwachukwu was the first "Diamond Pearl" in Nigeria. In fact, the first Diamond Pearl ELITE in Nigeria. He is on track to be the first Black Pearl distributor in Nigeria ! A great leader indeed. Emmanuel Nwachukwu saw the vision and then ran non-stop with massive zeal to share this business and noni juice product with people all over Nigeria.
Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu, my friend, you are truly to be congratulated, and your accomplishments to be celebrated.


Earning Dollars in Nigeria

If you are a Nigerian and serious about generating an additional stream of income in Nigeria(eg. earning dollars in Nigeria ) , and if you want a “Diamond Pearl Elite”- ranked distributor to show you how to do this with our noni juice business in Nigeria, then you would be wise to contact Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu. His phone number is 08023058232 or 01-7926423 .
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Comment from Google Blogger "Aderaskeey" :


thanks for your visit to my website. I also welcome you to the swelling Noni bloggers world. It is a joy to see leaders of your stature and status believe in noni blogging as aditional avenue of Chapter 2 to ACCESS the hitherto unreached audience.

Emmanuel Nwachukwu is a leader of leaders,and your discovery of him in 2001 has brought a great goodness to NIGERIA. We Love You!



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